
Ecosexuality: An Introduction to Eco-Erotic Play

  • Hosted by Love InSight
  • 14 people on the list-

Eros is the most primal and transformative impulse in the biology of every creature. Flowers are the way plants make love. The next bird song you hear is probably one mate calling out for another, or even foreplay in the branches. And yet, we humans often suppress or forget our own genuine, raw, and untamed eroticism. 

Unapologetically connecting with the sensuality of nature can bring so much vibrancy, ecstasy, and expansiveness into our erotic expression. Thus, ecosexuality can liberate us from the narrow-minded, couple-centric, and performance-focused view of human sexuality promoted by mainstream Western media. It may also enhance our sense of wonder and enchantment in our relationship with the Earth itself! 

During this two hour workshop, you will learn more about ecosexuality and be guided through a gentle (and fully clothed!) eco-erotic play practice using breathwork, visualization, and self-touch, to bring you a deeper sense of wholeness and connection. 

Please bring an object from nature (flower, plant, rock, stick, feather, etc.) or a picture of a natural object or scene that is inspiring or pleasurable to you. Optionally, you may also plan to join the workshop from a private outdoor space. 

In this workshop, you’ll learn:

- What is eco-eroticism 

- How eco-eroticism can enliven your sex life

- A simple practice for self-connection, pleasure, and grounding 

Who is this workshop for?

People who have an affinity for the natural world, and who are interested in adventure, eroticism, and personal growth

People who are open to viewing sex and eroticism through a more enchanted lens than the narrow one presented by mainstream media!

Will this workshop be recorded?

Yes, but please plan to attend in real-time in order to get the most out of this workshop. The workshop will include some opportunities for participants to connect with one another. 

Individual participant shares will not be included in the recording to ensure the fullest self-expression and confidentiality of attendees.

About your presenter:

Sarah Belzile is passionate about the exploration of the natural pleasures of this world as a spiritual and healing practice. She loves to guide others into deeper communion with themselves, each other and Nature through eco-erotic experiences. She has served as an administrator and associate faculty for the Body Electric School, one of the country’s oldest and most trusted names in erotic education. She is also an entrepreneur, embodiment coach, Women’s Temple Facilitator, Professional Cuddlist, Certified Cuddle Party Facilitator, Akhanda yoga teacher, founder of the Red River Gorge Play Ashram and a teacher of NVC, Non-Violent Communication. She is an avid rock climber and lives in her natural habitat, the moss and ferns of the Red River Gorge, Kentucky. You can learn more about her work at Sign up for her newsletter and you will receive the password for the “erotic playground” section of her site where you will find an eco erotic self pleasure practice, among other treats. 

About your host:

Dr. Marie Thouin is the Founder of Love InSight, a dating & relationship coaching practice where she supports growth-oriented individuals of all backgrounds to create intentional and vibrant love lives. Marie completed her doctoral dissertation on compersion in consensually non-monogamous individuals in the East-West Psychology department at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. She also serves as Editor at the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, a leading peer-reviewed publication in the fields of transpersonal and whole-person psychologies. She believes in the power of conscious love to create a better world. Learn more at